The Type of Bloggers That I Appriciate

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Self reflection is key when it comes to growth. Through procrastination before my exams, I recently started scrolling through some of my favourite blogs more than ever. I would end up on these sites spending my time admiring the content and just having a really good experience reading about what they had to say. I was then struck with the thought, I'd love people to have this feeling when reading my blog. I just had the feeling of content and enjoyment while scrolling through their content and I'd love if people had the same experience with mine.

At the end of the day, everyone is different and this is just my opinion, but today I wanted to share with you types of bloggers that I appreciate and aspects of their blog that just make them so good.

A very difficult thing to do if you're a blogger and post quite frequently because sometimes you just don't have all that much to say but there is nothing better than coming away from someones post and having gained something from it. Wether that be learning a little bit more about the person or just hearing their opinion on the topic, it is just so refreshing to gain something from reading a blog, especially if you're a busy bee. Retro Flame and The Little Plum are perfect examples of this!

There is nothing worse than knowing another blogger is only saying that they love every single product when you know they just got sent it all. There is a certain amount of 'sucking up' to brands and PR companies that I see going on and it is so disheartening. I know the product was sent to them, because I too got the press release in my email but non bloggers don't know that. Receiving freebees is a huge part of what we do, but transparency is the key part of it. Let everyone know you got that for free, half the time that might not even impact what you have to say about it, but in my opinion, its just the way to go. It is so refreshing when someone is being 100% honest about a product or an experience and it makes that person so much more trustworthy. 

For me, I'm all about the aesthetics and making sure things look good. I find such joy in looking at a variety of beautifully constructed, bright photographs especially of clothing. I know personally that I have an eye for capturing a good photograph so it is just an interest of mine that I have. In my opinion you don't need a DSLR or the latest Olympus Pen to achieve this, as long as it has a good composition and just works. 

I thought that I'd share this outfit today too, the main focus on the shoes. I debated on whether to get them for ages because I didn't think they would suit me, but I love them! Even better, I got them when ASOS had their 20% off for students. I paired them with these jeans from Penneys, which are so comfortable and this top from Bershka which I got in the sale for just €7.99! My jacket is really old from H&M and my sunglasses are from Penney's, I'm obsessed with them.

I hope you enjoyed this post and have a wonderful day ✨

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