'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tarte | Book Review

Monday, 12 January 2015

You just can't beat a good book, becoming absorbed into a fictional world that I feel the TV just can't provide. During 2014 I really got back into reading so one day I picked up 'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tarte in the promotional section of Easons. I had heard nothing about this book before I bought it, it was just so different to my usual crime drama or classic that I thought I'd try something new.

For a good five months I lugged this book around with me as I commuted on the train to college and the bus to town so it has definitely has seen better days! As it took me so long to read (thanks to university readings) I thought it deserved a little mention on my blog.. Anyway on to the review!

'The Goldfinch' is about a young boy, Theo, who one day in New York was the victim of a terrorist bombing attack while visiting The Metropolitan museum with his mother. He acquires the painting of 'The Goldfinch' off a dying man and escapes free with it. The story follows Theo as he grows up encountering fascinating characters and gets caught up in an underground art ring as he tries to find himself in the world.

This book, a whopping 800 pages long is a truly sad tale and can be a psychological thriller too at times. I overall enjoyed the book, I found it fascinating how Donna Tarte had the ability to span the book over many years yet not allow it to become repetitive or boring, she really is a great writer. It had a really good message and I thought the characters were diverse and interesting.

I would recommend this book, although I wasn't glued to it I did enjoy it. However you have to bear in mind the size of the book, if you have the time to read it then go for it!

Have you ever read this book? If so what were your thoughts on it?
Also, if you have any book recommendations please leave them below!

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