I'm currently 21 years old. 21, standing on a stage in my cap and gown with a university degree under my belt. Two weeks ago, on the 7th of September 2017 I graduated with a second class honours degree in Digital Media from Maynooth University.
What an achievement ay?
(Bag was a brand from Topshop and I can't find it anywhere sorrrrrrry)
Sometimes we take university for granted, I know I did. Complaining daily about how much I didn't like a particular module or how difficult computer science was (in fairness it was very hard haha) but overall I hardly remember the bad. It is so different not being in lectures everyday and not seeing all of my friends. However we all know your girl is not about to give up on them student nights out just yet, I have been out for the past two Mondays in Maynooth chucking back tequila. Just because I don't go to lectures doesn't mean I can't join em' afterwards!
I've recapped on my university experience on my blog before, you can see that here so I won't go into too much detail about it.
One thing that frightens me however, is the fear of the unknown. I have had the security blanket of education for the last 17 years and now, it is all up to me.
Fear isn't bad though, it can push you to move forward.
I'm so excited for this new chapter in my life, although I'm just currently waitressing full time, I'm about to embark on a very big and very scary change and adventure coming after Christmas which I cannot wait to share with you.