Behold, a savour for your skin!
I was first introduced to this product after watching Suzie's May Favourites. I had been looking into expanding my skincare collection and changing up my routine so she really sold this to me.
Overall my skin isn't too bad, it can get a tiny bit oily from time to time but other than that I have some dehydration lines on my forehead. For years I didn't do anything about them, I just accepted the fact that I don't drink enough water (so so bad I know) until I got my hands on this gem from The Body Shop.
The texture is jelly like but more liquidy.. To be honest it's so hard to describe! If you ever get the chance to go into The Body Shop just give this a feel and you'll understand what I'm talking about. You put as much as you want on your skin and just leave it for a while. The length of time you need to leave it obviously depends on how much you put on. I found if I put on a lot, I have to wipe a bit off after a while because it's just not sinking in!
I just love this because it does what it says on the tin, my skin feels so moisturised after I use it. It gets rid of my dehydration lines and it creates a great base for makeup.
Also it's perfect for long haul flights. On my recent trip to Florida I used this on the plane and I was amazed at how quickly it soaked into my skin! I hate the feeling of my skin after a flight and this solved that problem in no time.
Overall I would recommend trying this out, especially if you have dehydrated skin and you're on a budget!
Have you ever tried this product? What is your favourite product from The Body Shop?!