Hello everyone!
Firstly, how are we all?! And can we appreciate that it is less than one month until Christmas! I really need to get on with my Christmas shopping as I only have one thing bought so far, I initially said that I would start super early but I'm not the type to be very organised..
I have noticed in the last few months that I haven't done a monthly favourites, it just slipped my mind to be honest so today I am bringing to you a post about a number of things that I have been loving recently!
I've been wearing..
.. my H&M jumper.
Ever since going to H&M in London at the end of August I feel a new love for H&M here in Ireland. It was never a shop I went into, always so cluttered and unorganised with last years stock still hanging around however in recent weeks I have found some gems that I am in love with. My favourite piece that I have picked up is this mustard thick knit jumper. It is just perfect for this time of year and I feel the need to wear it almost everyday to college as it's just so easy to throw on and as it has been freezing the last few weeks, it keeps me nice and warm. It is available in a few other colours too if mustard isn't your thing, I am so tempted to go back and get the grey one for myself!
I've been using..
..MAC Eyebrow pencil and Brow Gel
When I got my makeup done in MAC for the Debs the makeup artist used this pair on my eyebrows and I had to buy it afterwards. They provide quite a natural look, as I don't think very strong brows suit me, and they last all day which is perfect for going to university.
..MAC Eyebrow pencil and Brow Gel
When I got my makeup done in MAC for the Debs the makeup artist used this pair on my eyebrows and I had to buy it afterwards. They provide quite a natural look, as I don't think very strong brows suit me, and they last all day which is perfect for going to university.
I've been watching..
Ever since my free month of Netflix ran out during the summer I had a gaping Gossip Girl shaped hole in my life (wow, slightly overdramatic). Since recently getting Netflix back I'm in my element and pretty much spend all of my free time watching it. I'm halfway through season 4 and it's SO GOOD so if you haven't watched it yet and are looking for a good girly show, watch it!
.. Love/ Hate
If you live outside Ireland you probably won't know what this is, but it's basically a drama based on gangland crime in Dublin. I don't want to spoil anything, but the series finale for season 5 aired a few weeks ago and it was shocking and just so good! I would watch this over Gossip Girl because to be honest it is the best thing that has come from Irish television. Each series is quite short too so you won't spend about 50 hours of your week spent on front of the TV!
I've been reading..
'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tartt
So I have been reading this whopper 800 page novel for a few months now (thanks to university readings) and oh my it is brilliant. I am about halfway through and it is just such a sad but fabulously written book. It is about a young boy who's mother dies in an explosion in New York and we follow his story throughout the years afterwards. As I mentioned, I am only halfway through but I am hooked on it and I would recommend it if you have the time to read it.
I've been burning..
'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tartt
So I have been reading this whopper 800 page novel for a few months now (thanks to university readings) and oh my it is brilliant. I am about halfway through and it is just such a sad but fabulously written book. It is about a young boy who's mother dies in an explosion in New York and we follow his story throughout the years afterwards. As I mentioned, I am only halfway through but I am hooked on it and I would recommend it if you have the time to read it.
I've been burning..
..Mahogany Teakwood candle by Bath and Body Works
It's pretty much my perfect candle. When I visited America in June this candle was at the top of my wish list however when I got there my parents insisted on me only getting one three wick candle as it would weigh down the bags however since arriving home they haven't stopped whining about why we didn't buy more of these... seriously guys?! It is literally the perfect smell, it's smells like Abercrombie! I'm using it sparingly at the moment as it is almost gone so I am scouring the internet looking for a reasonably priced replacement.. If I find one, be sure that I will let you all know!
It's pretty much my perfect candle. When I visited America in June this candle was at the top of my wish list however when I got there my parents insisted on me only getting one three wick candle as it would weigh down the bags however since arriving home they haven't stopped whining about why we didn't buy more of these... seriously guys?! It is literally the perfect smell, it's smells like Abercrombie! I'm using it sparingly at the moment as it is almost gone so I am scouring the internet looking for a reasonably priced replacement.. If I find one, be sure that I will let you all know!
What have you been loving recently?