A few days ago I was delighted to find out that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely The Pure Edit.
You must link back to the person who nominated you
You have to answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
You have to make 11 questions for the persons you are nominating
You have to nominate 5, 11 or 30 blogs with less than 200 followers to answer your question
You are not allowed to nominate the person who nominated you!
My Nominations:
My Questions:
- What made you start your blog?
- What is your favourite drugstore beauty product?
- What is your favourite high end beauty product?
- What is your favourite time of year and why?
- What are your blogging goals?
- What is currently on your fashion/ beauty wish list?
- When did you start your blog?
- Best and worst things about blogging?
- Who is your fashion inspiration?
- What is your favourite place that you ever visited?
- What was your first blog post about?
Danica's Questions Answered:
- Name 1 favourite beauty product & 1 favourite fashion item. Beauty: My MAC palette and Fashion: My Primark boots.
- Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-year-old self? Lay off the black eyeliner on your waterline!
- Describe your perfect home. That's a tough one but I love houses with some character.
- Dream destination? California, which I am visiting in June!
- Favorite Quote? "Don't sweat the small stuff" I'm not a huge quote reader so I don't have a favourite but this is one that I live by, I am way too laid back.
- Zodiac sign? Aries.
- Where do you get your inspiration from? Mainly Instagram.
- Favourite shop (Including online) Without a doubt Topshop.
- If you could live in a different decade, which one would you choose? Ooh either 1920's America or the 1960's as I feel as though I would have participated fully in Beatle Mania!
- Favourite band/artist at the moment. I have been listening to The Kooks and Mumford and Sons non stop lately.
- What's a trend you have been loving (beauty or fashion). Faux leather, I only have a leather jacket but I really want to get into the trend more. I have been on the hunt for a leather shirt/ shorts for a while now.
I was also nominated by some wonderful other blogs which I will link below for you all to check out.
Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin!